The University of Texas at Austin - Civitas Institute

Real World ECON: Economic Lessons for Living Your Best Life (EEFL)

January 19
Kim Holder

In this Distinguished Economic Educator session at The University of Texas at Austin, we will learn about the principles of economics that form the foundation of the economic way of thinking for you and your students. Relevant, real-world examples and popular culture vignettes will help us visualize and understand key concepts and bring economics and personal finance to life. By the end of this workshop, you will begin to discover some of the fun and interesting ways that economics is at work in the world that surrounds you and how understanding these ideas is beneficial to future economic and financial outcomes.

Co-sponsored with the Department of Economics at UT

Refreshments will be served

Please RSVP at: 

Kim Holder is the Director of the University of West Georgia’s Center for Economic Education and Financial Literacy and Senior Lecturer of Economics at the University of West Georgia’s Richards College of Business. She teaches undergraduate courses in economics and personal finance, serves as a faculty research mentor for students, and facilitates regional, state, national, and international outreach to K-16 students, teachers, and their surrounding communities. Holder has published over 20 articles, books, and curricula on creative economics education tools and techniques to broaden the reach of economics to diverse audiences, serves on a number of professional boards in economics, and previously served as President of the National Association of Economics Educators.