The University of Texas at Austin - Civitas Institute

Middle East Dialog–Is a Two-state Solution still Viable?

A Braver Angels Event

September 25
5:15 PM - 7:00 PM LBJ School RSVP

WHAT: The Civil Discourse Project (with Braver Angels)

WHERE: The LBJ School, 2300 Red River, Sid Richardson Hall, Room 3.122

PARTICIPANTS: The LBJ School, University of Texas College of Liberal Arts, The School of Civic Leadership at the University of Texas, Atidna, Bridge Texas, and other invitees. Please register.


This is a pilot event moderated by Braver Angels Central Texas–A “Single Issue Fishbowl” on the following topic: “Is a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict still viable—Yes or No?”


The “Fishbowl” exercise allows participants on either side of an issue to hear why the other side thinks their approach is best. BUT that’s not all. Each side’s participants are also asked to consider the limitations of their approach.

With the help of a facilitator, each group (of 6-10 participants) has a chance to respond to the following two questions about the Middle East situation, while the other group, and observers, listen:

Question 1*:

  • Yes Group: If you favor a two state solution and believe it is still a viable option, please explain why you believe this is a good approach to the Middle East situation.
  • No Group: If you do not favor a two state solution, please explain why and what your alternative approach is to the Middle East situation. For example, you may favor a one state solution, a Confederation approach, or something else. Please explain why you think your approach is best for the region.

Question 2: “What concerns or reservations do you have about your position?”

*Background materials will be made available prior to the event.

Following the Fishbowl conversations, participants from each side are paired up for a brief discussion about what they learned from listening to the other side. This is followed by a group discussion on the same question. The entire activity takes approximately 90 minutes.


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