The University of Texas at Austin - Civitas Institute

Coffee Talk with Jennifer Doleac and Ryan Streeter

Join us for a conversation with Jennifer Doleac, Associate Professor of Economics at Texas A&M University, and Ryan Streeter, Director of Domestic Policy at the American Enterprise Institute, as we discuss their respective career paths and ongoing projects. This event is geared toward graduate students in the social sciences but is open to enterprising undergraduate students as well.


Jennifer Doleac is Associate Professor of Economics at Texas A&M University, Research Fellow at the Institute for Labor Economics, and Senior Fellow at the Niskanen Center. She is an accomplished scholar and public intellectual whose work focuses on the economics of crime and discrimination. She holds a Ph.D. in economics from Stanford University.

Ryan Streeter is the State Farm James Q. Wilson Scholar and director of domestic policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, where he oversees research in education, technology, housing, poverty studies, workforce development, and public opinion. He holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from Emory University.