The University of Texas at Austin - Civitas Institute

Bari Weiss in conversation with Justin Dyer

author of How to Fight Anti-Semitism

December 06
7:30 PM LBJ Presidential Library RSVP
The University of Texas Athenaeum presents BARI WEISS author of How to Fight Anti-Semitism in conversation with Justin Dyer of The Civitas Institute Wednesday, Dec. 6 at 7:30 p.m. The Lady Bird Johnson Auditorium at the LBJ Presidential Library Cosponsored by: The Bech-Loughlin First Amendment Center The Civitas Institute The Clements Center for National Security The Salem Center for Policy The LBJ School of Public Affairs The Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Life

The University of Texas Athenaeum presents


author of

How to Fight Anti-Semitism

in conversation with Justin Dyer of The Civitas Institute

Wednesday, Dec. 6 at 7:30 p.m.

The Lady Bird Johnson Auditorium

at the LBJ Presidential Library

Cosponsored by:

The Bech-Loughlin First Amendment Center

The Civitas Institute

The Clements Center for National Security

The Salem Center for Policy

The LBJ School of Public Affairs

The Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Life

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