The University of Texas at Austin - Civitas Institute

Oxford Colloquium

Why Middle-Sized Matters to Science, Theology and Metaphysics

May 1
May 3
8:00 AM Oxford University RSVP

Why Middle-Sized Matters to Science, Theology and Metaphysics

May 1 – 3, 2024


The Civitas Institute at UT Austin and The Centre for Theology, Law, and Culture in Oxford are bringing together theologians, scientists and philosophers in a Colloquium to reflect on: the reality of Middle-Sized Things, such as human beings and animals; why Middle-Sized Things matter for science, philosophy and religion; and what kind of philosophy best upholds the individual reality, agency and autonomy of Middle-Sized Things. This Colloquium will be taking place at Pusey House, All Souls College, and other locations in Oxford.

Our list of suggested topics for papers includes:

  • science: open system approaches to physics, emergence, contextualism, teleology, …
  • theology: the incarnation, theology of the body, free will, ensoulment, normativity, …
  • metaphysics: hylomorphic metaphysics, participatory metaphysics, process metaphysics, …

Speakers and info here.



This Colloquium is being supported by a grant from The Civitas Institute at the University of Texas at Austin, in addition to the financial support of The Centre for Theology, Law, and Culture at Oxford.